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Thoughts By Charles Stanley

June 10, 2019

Courage to Speak the Truth

Are you willing to commit to speaking truth even when it’s costly? Altering income tax information, falsely enhancing your image on social media, or ignoring a miscalculation in your favor on a receipt isn’t worth the loss of character that comes with deception.

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June 6, 2019

Standing in the Storm

“What am I going to do?” How many times have we all uttered this cry of despair? Sometimes the storms of life come without letup; they seem endless, successively crashing against us until we feel as though we can’t take any more. In those times of desperation, Psalm 62 offers three valuable lessons.

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May 30, 2019

Our Heavenly Father’s Unconditional Love

Scripture tells us that love is the very essence of who God is (1 John 4:7). So if you don't believe that He loves you unconditionally, you'll never really know Him or have genuine peace about your relationship with Him.

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April 7, 2019

The God Who Comforts

Read: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 Look up comfort in a dictionary and you’ll find a definition

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March 7, 2019

God Rules in Your Circumstances

The same sovereign God who used Paul’s circumstances for His purposes can do so with yours. But like the apostle, you’ll have to trust that the Lord will comfort and strengthen you to endure, and yes, even to rejoice.

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February 27, 2019

The Words of Our Mouth

God takes our words very seriously, and so should we. Jesus said, “The mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart” (Matthew. 12:34). Therefore, what we need is a heart transformation, and the only one who can do that is God.

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February 20, 2019

The Holy Spirit: Giver of Gifts

Jesus Christ knew all about the human tendency to feel inadequate. That is why He assured His followers they would receive a Helper—the Holy Spirit—

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January 24, 2019

Dealing With Guilty Feelings

Guilt comes from a feeling of responsibility for some wrongdoing. But not all guilt stems from ungodly actions. Addressing guilt quickly is important.

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January 18, 2019

Jesus: Our Intimate Friend

We cannot earn Jesus Christ’s love and friendship. He takes the initiative, reaches out, and draws into fellowship those who are willing. None of us are worthy, but we are privileged to live in His love anyway. In the Lord, we find a friend who sticks closer than a brother

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December 31, 2018

How to Experience Christ’s Peace

Many Christians live their whole lives without consistently experiencing this incomprehensible peace. Perhaps faith and submission are the most challenging issues. But only as we surrender control of our lives to Christ and trust in His plans for us will we discover tranquil rest for our souls.

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