February 20, 2019
The Holy Spirit: Giver of Gifts
Jesus Christ knew all about the human tendency to feel inadequate. That is why He assured His followers they would receive a Helper—the Holy Spirit—
Read more..Jesus Christ knew all about the human tendency to feel inadequate. That is why He assured His followers they would receive a Helper—the Holy Spirit—
Read more..Guilt comes from a feeling of responsibility for some wrongdoing. But not all guilt stems from ungodly actions. Addressing guilt quickly is important.
Read more..We cannot earn Jesus Christ’s love and friendship. He takes the initiative, reaches out, and draws into fellowship those who are willing. None of us are worthy, but we are privileged to live in His love anyway. In the Lord, we find a friend who sticks closer than a brother
Read more..Many Christians live their whole lives without consistently experiencing this incomprehensible peace. Perhaps faith and submission are the most challenging issues. But only as we surrender control of our lives to Christ and trust in His plans for us will we discover tranquil rest for our souls.
Read more..Though experiences with our earthly dads may have distorted our perspective of the heavenly Father, we can learn to see Him as He truly is. By viewing Him through the truth of Scripture instead of our preconceptions, we will see evidence of His loving care and discover a security we’ve never known before.
Read more..Roots of bitterness don’t stop with us; they reach into our relationships, causing trouble and defiling others (Hebrews 12:15). An unforgiving spirit hinders our ability to love, poisoning the atmosphere in homes and workplaces.
Read more..What do you do when the pressures of life seem greater than you can bear? Journeys through a valley are inevitable and painful, but God doesn’t waste them. The trials of life can be times of discovery about Him.
Read more..Life is full of trouble. But in the hands of a loving God, our suffering is being used for eternal purposes.
Read more..Whenever someone hurts or frustrates us, we can decide whether to react in a godly or worldly fashion. No matter how much blame we attempt to offload onto others, the Lord is not misled by our maneuvering. He looks at the heart.
Read more..How Christ Modeled Humility. Although humility is not highly valued in our society, it’s essential in the Christian life. And the one who set the pattern for it is Jesus Himself.
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