August 9, 2021
In Vein
When Jesus’ light shines through our words, thoughts, and deeds, people see him in us.
Read more..When Jesus’ light shines through our words, thoughts, and deeds, people see him in us.
Read more..Faith is not hope without proof, but trust without reservations. Trust is the gasoline that fuels our faith along this journey called life.
Read more..Faith vanishes fear. Faith empowers us because we know God is in control and He will, as it states in Romans, work things out for the good for those who believe (8:28). Our relationship with God determines our view of the world.
Read more..When in comes to the Christian walk, there are three P's: Prayer, Power, Purpose
Read more..I take medicine daily, too. I might skip a day without any horrid ramifications, but if I skip two or three days, my health may be endangered. The same with my spiritual life.
Read more..Read the Word of God daily. Let Scripture be your guide for your thoughts, your mold for your beliefs, and the boundary for your behavior. Store Bible passages in your memory. Then, when you hear someone say something that seems a bit off kilter, you can compare their words with the verses you have learned and ingested.
Read more..What a day of rejoicing in Heaven it must be when one of us finally decides to trust our Master enough to crawl up from our situation, reach out to him, then whisper, "I love you and want to be near you."
Read more..God may not do exactly as I ask, as Elisha did for the tenacious woman, but He will do what is best in my situation. My response is to trust and pray.
Read more..Jesus commanded us to “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20a
Read more..We are all human, and we can get angry. But it is what we allow to happen next that makes all the difference.
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