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Thoughts By All

June 25, 2009

There It Is

by John Fischer ____________________________________________________________________________________________ “Truth is incontrovertible. Ignorance may attack it and malice may deride

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June 23, 2009

Faithful to my Man

by Katherine Kehler ___________________________________________________________________________________________ “…to be self-¬controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to

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June 18, 2009

Home at Last

by John Grant John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing

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June 15, 2009

Weighed Down

by Vonette Bright _________________________________________________________________________ Jan had Goggled “Christian Spa� and found a weight-loss group with

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June 12, 2009

Who is your Role Model – Luther or Galileo?

by John Grant John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing

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June 7, 2009

Pressing on Toward the Goal

by John Grant John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing

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June 6, 2009


by Roderick Marshall ____________________________________________________________________________________ “..standing behind him at his feet, weeping, she began to wet

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June 1, 2009

Your Dream Home

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” Matthew 6:21 “Set your

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May 31, 2009

Set Your Compass in the Right Direction

by Max Lucado _____________________________________________________________ The problem is not that God hasn’t spoken but that we

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May 30, 2009

Write the Vision

By Idelette McVicker ______________________________________________________________________________ “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he

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