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Thoughts By All

November 24, 2018

Freedom from Shame

When God touches your life and begins a good work in you, He is committed to you. He promises to carry on the good work in your heart until it is completed. God can not only help you forgive, but He will continue on to help you root out the shame and the lies that keep you from being all God meant you to be.

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November 23, 2018

Take Him at His Word

Psalm 119:105  “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my

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November 23, 2018

Trouble and Distress

Trouble and Distress “Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands are my

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November 22, 2018

A Root of Bitterness

Roots of bitterness don’t stop with us; they reach into our relationships, causing trouble and defiling others (Hebrews 12:15). An unforgiving spirit hinders our ability to love, poisoning the atmosphere in homes and workplaces.

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November 22, 2018

The First Step

How do I yank bitterness out of my life? Where do I go? “Come to ME” (Matthew 11:28-29). Pray for those who have wounded you, for those who have done you wrong.

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November 21, 2018

Don’t Hit the Fan

In Matthew 6, Jesus talks about how the Father cares for the birds of the

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November 21, 2018


.When I feel all alone, I should redirect myself to Hebrews 13:5 “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” God is aware of and concerned with every aspect of our being … physical, mental, emotional financial, and perhaps most important of all spiritual

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November 20, 2018

Wait on the Lord

If there is anything we don't like to do, it's wait. Maybe that is why God is so interested in us learning to do it! There is something purifying about remaining strong in tough times and remaining faithful when ill winds blow.

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November 19, 2018

He Rejoices Over You

Rejoice in the God who rejoices in you when you place your faith in Him. Whether you have been a believer for five seconds or five decades, this promise applies to your life, daily.

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November 19, 2018

The Desires of the Heart

“God carries in His heart the fulfillment to all the desires He has placed within yours.”The Bible puts that thought in this way: “Trust in the LORD, ... Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:3-7

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