May 14, 2018
Closed Doors
There was a time not so long ago when I let the doors that slammed shut in my face slam my self-esteem with crushing blows. I had not learned yet that closed doors were simply part of God directing my paths.
Read more..There was a time not so long ago when I let the doors that slammed shut in my face slam my self-esteem with crushing blows. I had not learned yet that closed doors were simply part of God directing my paths.
Read more..What if I started each day with the question, “God, what would you like me to do today? What would it look like to start each day like that?
Read more..By faith we need to gladly, freely, fully, and gratefully cast ourselves upon His resources without reservation—He is the all-sufficient One Who never changes, Who never faints or grows weary, Who never slumbers or sleeps, and Who is the keeper of His people from this time forth and forever more.
Read more..I remember the day a couple called me over to pray with them in a specific situation. I made the appointment. I listened. And I prayed. Yet when I left I had the sense that my prayer had not gone past the ceiling. I felt frustrated.
Read more..To be honest, I have wrestled a lot with this thing called prayer. *Why does God want us to pray when He knows what we need even better than we know ourselves? *What good does my prayer even do? Who am I to change God’s mind or challenge Him on His ideas?
Read more..Prayer has always been the breath, life, vitality, strength and power of the Christian. Beginning with our Lord, who spent much time in prayer, and continuing with the disciples and fruitful, Spirit-filled Christians through the centuries, prayer remains a major emphasis in the life of every believer.
Read more..“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is
Read more..Life is full of the unexpected. You never know what is going to happen next. I knew it was going to be a challenging day when I saw water bubbling up by the sidewalk in front of our house. "When things are going well for you, be glad, and when trouble comes, just remember: God sends ...
Read more..“Love covers a multitude of sins,” the scripture says in 1 Peter 4:8. Love doesn’t expose. It doesn’t gossip. If love says anything, love speaks words of defense. Words of kindness. Words of protection.
Read more..There are many struggling people in the world who are literally dying to hear the Gospel — but there’s no one willing to tell them. They are lost and on their way to hell. We have the ability to give them the good news that could save their lives, but do we chose to tell them? Or do we go about our own agenda instead?
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