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Thoughts By Fab Batsakis

October 17, 2021

Do You Fear Failure?

Think about a situation that challenges you. How can you grow to adapt to your current situation, whether it’s a relationship or a task?

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July 6, 2021

The Co-Mission

Dear Lord, I offer myself wholeheartedly to you. Cleanse me and show me how I can accomplish the assignment you have for me in your strength. In Jesus’ name I ask. Are you hearing God co-mission you for something?

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April 8, 2021

Benefits of Fearing the Lord

Can you see how reverence for the Lord guides us? It leads us towards one right choice at a time. Those small and big decisions will keep us on the right path.  

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March 5, 2021

Know and Do the Will of God

It’s so important to pay attention to God’s ways of doing things. As long as Earth and humanity exist, God will want our attention. That’s because he loves us.

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February 21, 2021

How Do You Cope with Change?

When things end or don’t go our way, it’s easy for others to say that life still goes on. Yet, we know what we’re going through. It hurts.

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February 10, 2021

Grab This Opportunity

Don’t permit the past to hold you back. God has not limited his purpose for your life to one task, one workplace, or one group of people.

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November 30, 2020

The Value of Godliness

Surely, you and I don’t welcome suffering, but it makes us better people if we continue to trust God. While we may not feel better, we become better.And God will reward us with the blessings attached to godliness. 

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November 20, 2020

Seed Planter

How much faith do you need to plant a seed and to make it grow? Planting feels like a lot of work without seeing much results on the spot.

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September 22, 2020

Worried About Your Needs?

Remembering God’s past provisions will help you realize he will provide again and again. God’s hands are not too short to reach out to you.

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September 2, 2020

Simply Ask

When you and I have access to God’s power, there’s joy. Joy is more than happiness. It’s long-lasting, beyond emotion. It’s an inner peace that is calming and sparkling. Experiencing such inner delight strengthens us to pursue God’s will even more. This helps us to live our best life.

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