October 21, 2023
Humility with Faith Equals Breakthrough
When we envision the idea of seeking God with our face down, the picture that
Read more..When we envision the idea of seeking God with our face down, the picture that
Read more..God does not want us to be judgmental; He wants us prayer-mental. As instinctively as we have judged people, we should pray for them instead.
Read more..When I say, "I love You Jesus," it is because at some point, long before I knew Him, before I could discern His voice or recognize His influence in my life, His love was drawing me to His heart.
Read more..Embracing the Spirit of Truth and allowing the Word of truth to break the patterns of falsehood and deception in our lives is the process through which we become Christlike
Read more..Our capacity to actually dwell in Christ's presence is based upon knowing the true nature of God. If we see Him as a loving Father, we will draw near;
Read more..God's goal is not only to see us saved and go to Heaven, but for Christ to be functionally formed and living through us on earth. We are not just to have a religion about what Jesus did; we are called to possess the very substance of who Jesus is.
Read more..If you think you know God but do not live your life in gratitude before Him, it is doubtful that you really knew Him in the first place. A thankful heart honors God. Too often when we say we "know God," what we actually mean is ...Continue reading
Read more..While we may find comfort in being Christians, being a Christian has not made us perfect. There are still many strongholds within us. Therefore, let us identify some of these spiritual fortresses
Read more..Jesus came to make us "unoffendable. "Those who love [God's] law have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble" (Psalms 119:165).
Read more..If there is a natural fight instinct, there is a spiritual fight mode as well. It just needs to be awakened, submitted to Christ, and then unleashed against the enemy. If you have a love mode, you also have a war mode. God has created the war mode so we can protect the people we love.
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