May 14, 2021
To Behold the Face of God
Do you truly desire to see God? Christ's words are windows through which the pure in heart behold the Almighty.
Read more..Do you truly desire to see God? Christ's words are windows through which the pure in heart behold the Almighty.
Read more..God Has a Problem with Grumblers. Paul warned, "Nor let us . . grumble, as [Israel] did, and were destroyed by the destroyer" (1 Corinthians 10:9-10).
Read more..When one is disappointed, he is cut off from his appointment with destiny. Their appointed breakthrough remains in the heart of God, but the individual is isolated by unbelief. Hope deferred has made their heart sick.
Read more..We cannot become Christlike without being wounded. You see, even after we come to Christ, we carry encoded within us preset limits concerning how far we will go for love, and how much we are willing to suffer for redemption.
Read more..To preserve the quality of your love, you must forgive those who have caused you to stumble. Depending on the issue itself, it may be that you legitimately cannot trust them, but you do not have a reason to stop loving.
Read more..Time after time, the scriptural command is to pray for, not against; to pray mercifully, not vindictively. God's call is for prayer moved by compassion, not condemnation.
Read more..We are not merely men of flesh temporarily acting spiritual, but we are spiritual beings temporarily living as men of flesh.
Read more..Each of us has times of weeping when our hearts and hopes seem crushed. Because God has placed in our hearts "highways to Zion," however, we pass through valleys; we do not live in them.
Read more..God desires to rescue us from bitterness so we can truly love and laugh again. Let us, therefore, sincerely approach the throne of God's grace and ask Him to show us the garden of our hearts. Yes, and let us see if our souls are truly free of the root of bitterness.
Read more..We ourselves are in a time of war. The Spirit of God is calling us to fight for our souls as well as our families, cities and nations.
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