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Thoughts By Francis Frangipane

January 20, 2019

Christ, Our Life

There is a story of a young man who, in his search for God, came to study at the feet of an old sage. The master brought this young man to a lake, and then led him out into the shoulder-deep water.

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December 9, 2018

Expect to See God’s Glory!

If you are a God-seeker, except for times of darkness when the Spirit refines your spiritual senses, you should expect to see the glory of God! There should be an anticipation that any day now --- as you enter your prayer room or go for a walk, or in a dream -

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September 27, 2017

A Symphony to God’s Heart

Beloved, let us stay in agreement when we pray. Avoid strife at all costs. Whether our expression is one of weeping or rejoicing, warring or worship, our prayer of agreement can be symphonic to the listening heart of God.

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September 3, 2017

The Stronghold of Cold Love

We each need people who love us, who are committed to us in spite of our imperfections. The fullness of Christ will not come without Christians standing with each other in love. We are not talking about salvation but growing in salvation until we care for each other, even as Christ has committed Himself to us.

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July 9, 2017

Stronghold of the Godly; Humility

Satan fears virtue. He is terrified of humility; he hates it. He sees a humble

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October 24, 2016

The Stronghold of Christ’s Likeness

The purpose of all aspects of spirituality, warfare included, is to bring us into the image of Christ. Nothing -- not worship or warfare, neither love nor deliverance -- is truly attainable if we miss the singular objective of our faith: Christlikeness.

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October 5, 2016

When Trust is Established

Trust - As He has been to us, so He wants us to be toward others, even those who may appear hostile and alienated from us. We must be willing to let ourselves be wounded, even repeatedly if necessary, in pursuit of healing relationships. We must prove, not just in word but in deed that our love is real.

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March 11, 2016

The Commitment of an Intercessor

‘Then Moses returned to the Lord, and said, “Alas, this people has committed a great

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May 6, 2013

The Transcendent Life

The life that sustains us - that should ultimately fill us - is not drawn from seeking our calling but seeking the Caller Himself.

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September 14, 2011

Tell Francis I Miss Him

by Francis Frangipane If Satan cannot distract you with worldliness, He will overwhelm you with

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