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Thoughts By Gail Rodgers

December 13, 2023

The Candle of Hope

Christmas is coming! There are loved ones to see, gifts to give, baking to share. We prepare our homes for the celebration.

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December 10, 2023

I Don’t Deserve It

Oh how she wanted to believe God loved her. But she felt she had no right to ask Him anything. She had never acknowledged Him before. And life had been hard. Choices of others and her own choices had left deep pain and scars on her heart.

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November 30, 2023

“Thine is the Power”

God’s transforming power flows into us when we open our lives to Him. He reorders our lives by His power and for His glory.

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November 25, 2023

How to Trust God

God is so good to remind us that we need to take stock of our thoughts. Thoughts are the seeds in our lives that result in actions and responses. We choose to let them stay or to take them captive and throw them out.

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October 27, 2023

The Ripples of Your Journey

As you go through your day today be reminded that you are sending out ripples. You have no idea how far they will go. Ask your Heavenly Father to help you bring His heart of love and grace into your setting and be conscious of the ripples you are sending out.

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October 9, 2023


O Lord, please give me Your wisdom as I do the “whatever” today. Would You help thanksgiving to rise up within me? Thank You that I do not need to be tossed about by the dramatic nor the mundane things going on around me.

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October 5, 2023

What’s Going on in Your Heart?

Have you thought lately about your role as the “gate-keeper” of your heart?

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September 9, 2023

The Root System

If you get bumped in life and find that a bitter root has been disturbed and springs up with in you, take action!

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August 29, 2023

Choose Carefully

Do you ever feel like God has not lived up to your expectation in some particular circumstance of your life? Perhaps you have believed… yet nothing has happened. When you feel confused and wondering if God has let you down, you have a choice to make.

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August 26, 2023


You are an influencer! Our words, our tones, our attitudes impact how each encounter plays out through the entire week. You have opportunities to make a difference, to influence.

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