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Thoughts By John Grant

August 19, 2020

Listening to God

I once heard someone say that if we have only ten minutes to pray, we should spend the first half listening and the second half petitioning.

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July 4, 2020

Something for Everyone

Something for Everyone by John Grant. Discovering our gifts from God and then using them to our utmost.

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June 15, 2020

What Pulls Your Strings?

Who’s in control of your life? Who’s pulling your strings? For the majority of us, it’s other people – society, colleagues, friends, family or our religious community.

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May 14, 2020

Full Confidence

Today, as someone who is saved, you can have full confidence that what awaits you in heaven is far better than anything this earth has to offer. Lord, thank You for the invitation to live with You forever. I confess my sins and surrender my heart and life to You again. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and impart to me assurance of salvation. Amen.

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May 6, 2020

Calming the Waters

We all go through storms in our lives. Some are fierce and we feel like we are about to sink. We look for places to run and hide and avoid the storms, but they follow us everywhere we go. We can’t escape.

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April 7, 2020

The Size of Our God

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3 when you have God, you have everything. And when you give others the knowledge of Him, they can have Him too. And when lives around you are transformed, all the stuff you were busy with doesn't seem as important any more.

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March 20, 2020

Facing Your Problems

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. (Proverbs 3:5&6)

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March 7, 2020

The Balanced Life

Sometimes God gives us enough difficulties to help us appreciate the joys of life. He gives us the hard times so that we may enjoy the good ones. Times of trouble are times for spiritual growth.

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February 27, 2020

The One Who Sees It All

God has given us freedom of choice and is grieved when we sin against Him. He wants us to do right and most important of all, He wants us to accept His Son so that we may have eternal life with Him.

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January 24, 2020

Shunning Materialism

There are many verses warning about materialism, but they are summed up in five major conclusions:

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