December 11, 2020
You Can Have Joy
Joy is true contentment that comes from internal factors like our faith in the Lord. True joy is everlasting and not dependent upon circumstances.
Read more..Joy is true contentment that comes from internal factors like our faith in the Lord. True joy is everlasting and not dependent upon circumstances.
Read more..Paul focuses on three words that should sum up the Christian’s everyday life. They are “pray, watch and thankful.”
Read more..Regardless of how difficult the times, those who have been born again by the grace of God, redeemed and forgiven by the blood of Christ, adopted into God’s heavenly family, indwelt by and sealed with the Holy Spirit, given an eternal home in Heaven and empowered by God for significant service have no right to be anything but optimistic.
Read more..What do you seek most in life? Often it is possessions….. things ….. that cause us distraction and become our mission. Our possessions require maintenance and steal our time and energy.
Read more..Never consider the silence of God to be the rejection by God. He knows the perfect timing for the maximum effect.
Read more..I once heard someone say that if we have only ten minutes to pray, we should spend the first half listening and the second half petitioning.
Read more..Something for Everyone by John Grant. Discovering our gifts from God and then using them to our utmost.
Read more..Who’s in control of your life? Who’s pulling your strings? For the majority of us, it’s other people – society, colleagues, friends, family or our religious community.
Read more..Today, as someone who is saved, you can have full confidence that what awaits you in heaven is far better than anything this earth has to offer. Lord, thank You for the invitation to live with You forever. I confess my sins and surrender my heart and life to You again. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and impart to me assurance of salvation. Amen.
Read more..We all go through storms in our lives. Some are fierce and we feel like we are about to sink. We look for places to run and hide and avoid the storms, but they follow us everywhere we go. We can’t escape.
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