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Thoughts By Katherine Kehler

June 18, 2020

The Cure for Cynicism

“And always be thankful” Colossians 3:15 If you find yourself being cynical or critical today, begin thanking God for all the blessings in your life. You will be much happier.

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June 7, 2020

God Provides for His Own

Thank you, Lord Jesus that you do indeed provide for all our needs as you promised.  Give us the grace to trust you and not to worry or fret.  We love you, our great and mighty God.  Amen.

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May 23, 2020

When Life Isn’t Fair

“It is not your job to change everyone’s mind. It is your job to obey and do whatever He is calling you to do. Keep yielded to Him and open the door to others,

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May 19, 2020

Praying with Confidence

How do you pray with confidence? How do you know if God will answer your prayers? Four key words answer this question:

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May 4, 2020


What is suffering? Elisabeth Elliot describes suffering asn “wanting what you don’t have and having what you don’t want.”

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April 25, 2020

God Listens to Us

“The Lord sees the good people and listens to their prayers” 1 Peter 3:12

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March 22, 2020

God Will Take Care of You!

“The LORD himself watches over you! The LORD stands beside you as your protective shade”  Psalm 121:5

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March 16, 2020

To Whom are You Listening?

Lord Jesus, how often we are fooled by the enemy and listen to his accusations, rather than to Your words of Life. We want to be like You, Jesus. We want to speak words of Life into people’s lives. Thank you for helping us. Amen.

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March 13, 2020

Beauty out of Brokenness

Jesus, patiently, with His unfailing love, tells us, “I have come for people to have life and have it until it overflows” (John 10:10). Sometimes when we choose not to believe Him, ...

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February 22, 2020

Hiding Place

“Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge.”. Psalm 16:1 “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble.” Psalm 32:7a

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