June 14, 2024
My Lunch with Dad
My Dad and I always had a satisfactory relationship. He was very b sy with the farm. Dad and I never had the chance to really talk - just the two of us.
Read more..My Dad and I always had a satisfactory relationship. He was very b sy with the farm. Dad and I never had the chance to really talk - just the two of us.
Read more..“Be delighted with the Lord.” Psalm 37:4a. Looking out the window of our friend’s boat while traveling up the inner passage of the west coast of British Columbia, I was completely awed by God’s creation. The acres of lush green forests, the rhythm of tides and currents, ...
Read more..The late Dr. Bill Bright was famous for saying, “God has something for us to do until our last breath.” Jesus said in Acts 1:8 (Amp), “But when you receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be my witnesses . . .”
Read more..Experience the profound love between mother and child. Reflect on the impact of a mother's affection and the blessing of a secure, loving home. Pray today.
Read more..The sentence, "Like a rose, trampled on the ground", gave me such a clear word picture of what Jesus went through for us
Read more..As I was scrubbing the oven, I compared the dirty oven with our hearts. People can’t see inside our ovens, or our hearts, but God
Read more..Slow me down Lord! Help me be calm, relax and enjoy my day – my husband, my family, my friends, my neighbors, and the people I meet. “But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience . . .” Galatians 5:22
Read more..We need not walk with feelings of guilt. Christ has set us free from guilt and sin. Let’s walk in the freedom of forgiveness. Father, thank You for freeing us from all guilt and sin through Your Son’s death on the cross. Enable us to walk in the freedom of forgiveness. Amen.
Read more..The Bible often likens God;s people to sheep, and Christ the good shepherd. Think about it. Are you at rest today? Psalm 23:1,2 "The Lord is my shepherd;I have everything that I need.He lets me rest in green pastures.He leads me to calm water”
Read more..Recently we decided to downsize and reluctantly listed our property on the real estate market. So for the past month we have been sorting through everything: cupboards, closets, shelves, drawers, ...
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