August 25, 2024
A Mother, a Stroller and a Baby
It was Sunday morning and we were having coffee and a bagel at the local coffee shop before we went to church. A young woman walked into the coffee shop, wheeling her baby in a stroller.
Read more..It was Sunday morning and we were having coffee and a bagel at the local coffee shop before we went to church. A young woman walked into the coffee shop, wheeling her baby in a stroller.
Read more..“Who decreed the boundaries of the seas when they gushed from the depths? Who clothed
Read more..We can use the reset button and have fellowship with God again. When we confess and turn from our sin, we can be sure that God will forgive us and cleanse us from all sin (1 John 1:9)
Read more..Being revolutionary means allowing the Holy Spirit to direct you every moment of the day, even when we wouldn’t have chosen His plans.
Read more..The good news is that no matter how often we turn away from God and focus on His resources rather than on Him, He is always there, waiting for us with outstretched arms. We are always welcome to return and bask in His love and forgiveness.
Read more..“God shapes the world by prayer. The more praying there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil….” - EM Bounds
Read more..“Our Goal as believers: We train ourselves to run the race of life. So we keep our eyes on Christ — the goal — and don’t get sidetracked or slowed down. When we do this, we will win a reward in Christ’s kingdom."
Read more..My Dad and I always had a satisfactory relationship. He was very b sy with the farm. Dad and I never had the chance to really talk - just the two of us.
Read more..“Be delighted with the Lord.” Psalm 37:4a. Looking out the window of our friend’s boat while traveling up the inner passage of the west coast of British Columbia, I was completely awed by God’s creation. The acres of lush green forests, the rhythm of tides and currents, ...
Read more..The late Dr. Bill Bright was famous for saying, “God has something for us to do until our last breath.” Jesus said in Acts 1:8 (Amp), “But when you receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be my witnesses . . .”
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