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Thoughts By Margaret Mullings

May 1, 2019

Life’s Painful Experiences

At a moment's glance, the warm and welcomingpresence of your Abba Father surrounds you,bringing comfort and strength to you.Enlightening you with the understandingthat every painful experience, everydisappointment are really tools to sharpenand refine you.

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November 6, 2018


In spite of the challenges you face each day, the Lord will give to you enough of His grace and strength to get through victoriously! Yes, He is imparting His Love within you to turn the other cheek!

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September 16, 2018

In the Midst

In the Midst: In the midst of my painDo not allow my living be in vain.For I must not kick and shoveI must be harmless as a dove.

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July 27, 2017

It Is Time

It is not about how gifted And Anointed you are. It is not about demons

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September 16, 2016

The Carpenter

The Carpenter needs the hammer to fasten the nails to the wood, with his many

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September 23, 2015

Failing Strength

When your strength is failing And you are faltering in your faith Pause for a

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April 25, 2015

The Stench

As blind Bartimaeus heard feet running hurriedly. The stench of begging was now unbearable to

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January 21, 2015


God strengthens His children for the journey. You may be going through, what feels like

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September 28, 2011

The Dawn that Brings the Morning

by Margaret C Mullings You are more beautiful than the dawn of the morning. Gentle

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July 30, 2009


by Margaret Mullings __________________________________________ I miss you so much I miss the hours we spend

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