June 10, 2019
Christian Civility
Jesus calls Christians to words and actions that go far beyond civility, even civility. His call is life altering, indeed it is death to self.
Read more..Jesus calls Christians to words and actions that go far beyond civility, even civility. His call is life altering, indeed it is death to self.
Read more..“One of the deepest longings of the human soul is to be seen,” and the squawking magpies remind me to not only see the souls’ longings, but also hear them. I am called to be an imitator of God as I listen: “Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24).
Read more..“If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.“ John 14:9 Dan’s earthly father
Read more..“Turning around, Jesus saw them (two of John’s disciples) following and asked, “What do you
Read more..Prayer: Father, thank you for providing everything we need to grow spiritually. Forgive us for too often being satisfied with the status quo, or measuring ourselves by others.
Read more..Tangled cords cause frustration. If not carefully held separate while being pulled, they quickly tangle into infuriating snarls that take long minutes to unscramble.
Read more..Not only can we think about God, but he thinks about us! David seems almost overwhelmed by the concept of God’s unwavering attention being focused on his children. He describes God’s thoughts as not merely cerebral; they are precious.
Read more..It is right and good to ask for God’s new things, but are we ready for the sacrifices that may accompany the blessing? Does commitment accompany the request?
Read more..Put your affairs in order. Words that jolt us out of the false sense of security we possess—likely brought about by an equally false sense of control.
Read more..Help me, Lord, to relate to you and others not on the basis of material possessions. May my vision increasingly be like yours. 1 Samuel 16:7 "Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
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