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Thoughts By Marilyn Ehle

February 18, 2020

Winding Roads and Center Lines

What is your center line? What has kept you on course while following Jesus? My center line for staying the course? “I have loved you with an everlasting love…” (Jeremiah 31:3)

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February 4, 2020

Unthinkable Instructions

What sea faces you? Before God gives the command to move on, he asks us to be still. Stop long enough to hear God’s sure whisper, “I will fight for you.”

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January 29, 2020

Who Do People See

When I read that God is “compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love,” I can ask myself if those same characteristics are becoming more a reality in my life. Am I looking at difficult people with compassion?

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January 25, 2020

The Danger of Strength

Success and strength can become dangerous when uncoupled from reliance upon our Creator God, when we assume autonomy instead of recognition that all we are and all we accomplish are from the hand of a gracious God.

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January 8, 2020

Slow Down: Work in Progress

Often we are impatient with the speed with which God works. Christ followers are taught that spiritual growth is a lifetime affair.

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December 15, 2019

The Sacrifice of Praise

Why is praise called a “sacrifice”?  I believe it is because true praise given in the less-than-ideal situations of life indicates that I sacrifice my right to grumble about people, circumstances and God; I willingly forsake action which ‘comes naturally,’ is ‘only human’ and which ‘everyone’ indulges in.

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December 3, 2019

Learning to Cast

Casting my anxiety on God will take practice. Instead of discouragement when we find ourselves worrying about the same thing we have given over to God, we simply do it again knowing that our wise and gracious Father understands that we are novices.

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August 18, 2019

Jewels from Junk

Too often we see ourselves only as ordinary junk. Perhaps we have not grown up with affirmation or, much worse, we have been abused and heard shouts that we are nothing but junk. We compare ourselves to those who possess more, who have attained more, who appear more beautiful or handsome. We s

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August 4, 2019

The Roar of Sorrow

“…when sorrows like sea billows roll…” That’s how one man described his lot after financial ruin from the 1871 Great Chicago Fire, and then the death of his four daughters in a transatlantic ship collision.

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July 1, 2019


Psychologists and doctors say a sense of belonging is a basic human need, just like food and shelter. Feeling that we belong is important in seeing value in our lives.

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