October 29, 2018
Forgiveness: Stay the Course
Vengeance is God’s. He will repay—whether ultimately on the Day of Judgment or intermediately in
Read more..Vengeance is God’s. He will repay—whether ultimately on the Day of Judgment or intermediately in
Read more..“Taste and see that the Lord is good.” A glimpse of God’s goodness changes us. If He is only slightly stronger than us, why pray? If He has limitations, questions, and hesitations, then you might as well pray to the Wizard of Oz.
Read more..With His own pierced hands, Jesus created a pasture for the soul. He pried loose the huge boulders of sin. In their place He planted seeds of grace and dug ponds of mercy.
Read more..You and I have stumbled in life. We’ve done our best, only to trip and
Read more..Success is not defined by position or pay scale but by this: doing the most what you do the best. Better to be married to a happy person who has a thin wallet than a miserable person with a thick one.
Read more..The message of God is the message of grace. Grace that is entirely God’s. God loving. God offering. God caring and God carrying! As you consider the insurmountable debt you owe, the debt you can never pay, let...
Read more..God, So human he could touch people. So mighty he could heal people. So heavenly he spoke with authority. So human he could blend in unnoticed for thirty years. So mighty he could change history and be unforgotten for two thousand years. Because Jesus was human, He understands you. And...
Read more..We need a shepherd to care for us and to guide us. And Jesus is that Good Shepherd. The Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. The Shepherd who protects, provides, and possesses his sheep. The Psalmist says: The Lord is my shepherd! The imagery is carried over to the New Testament as Jesus is called the good shepherd of the sheep!
Read more..God inhabits the tiny seed, empowers the tiny deed. He cures the common life by giving no common life, by offering no common gifts. Don't discount the smallness of your deeds.
Read more..If today’s thoughts are tomorrow’s actions, what happens when we fill our minds with thoughts of God’s love?
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