October 22, 2021
A Prayer of Victory
Jesus, l believe You are my victor. I turn my attention away from every distraction and every foe you have defeated. I proclaim Your victory over my life.
Read more..Jesus, l believe You are my victor. I turn my attention away from every distraction and every foe you have defeated. I proclaim Your victory over my life.
Read more..We must enter into an expectant spirit of prayer, knowing that, when we meet His conditions, God will hear and answer us.
Read more..Have you sought the LORD lately? Many of us made a commitment to turn all of our lives over to him last week; how have you done at that commitment? God promises wisdom to those who ask and don't doubt.
Read more..God calls us to a violent form of intercession, where we take on the spiritual forces of darkness on behalf of our race, once invaded, now occupied by the prince of darkness.
Read more..So, how do we put off an aroma that is pleasing to God and others in our life?
Read more..If we are going to be true children of our Father, his values must become our own, his lost sheep must become our quest.
Read more..Keep in mind that trials are fleeting, whereas our Father's love is forever. Remember that God will meet all of our needs
Read more..We cannot go where God is not. Look over your shoulder; that’s God following you. Look into the storm; that’s Christ coming toward you.
Read more..“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. “ Romans 12:2 There is a mighty battle going on for control of your mind.
Read more..Pray always and be comforted by God's kindness and compassion, hope and love, light and consolation — the perfect cure for a troubled heart and soul.
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