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Thoughts By Men

September 18, 2020

Dealing With Anger

Some people want to hang on to ill feelings, but nursing a resentful attitude isn’t sustainable; anger must be put aside. If we retain our “right” to hold grudges, we can’t expect to live in the new nature Christ has created for us.

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September 17, 2020

Your Refuge

“Be merciful to me, O God!  For my soul trusts in You; and in the shadow of Your wings I make my refuge” (Psalm 57:1).  Make God your refuge.  Let Him be the foundation on which you stand.

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September 16, 2020

The Full Expression of Love

His Righteousness is the character of love; His Holiness is the beauty of love; His Omnipotence is the power of love; His Omnipresence is the nearness of love;

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September 15, 2020

Seeking the Kingdom

What do you seek most in life? Often it is possessions….. things ….. that cause us distraction and become our mission. Our possessions require maintenance and steal our time and energy.

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September 13, 2020

Obstacle or Opportunity

When we are stuck in any situation we don’t like, our natural reaction is to question. Yet, what if that situation is a divine appointment? Is this situation an obstacle or an opportunity?

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September 11, 2020

Overcoming Obstacles

It’s tempting to wonder if God will help us when we face hindrances. BUt God has gone before us and is preparing the way. No matter how He chooses to handle a problem, His solution is always in our best interest.

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September 10, 2020

His Shelter

How good it is to be as close to God as his shadow and to share in the comfort of his sheltering presence. He is not far if our hearts choose to draw near him. Let's choose to draw near!

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September 9, 2020

Our Safety Net

During uncertain times, my need for extra security rises. I store up more worldly goods and spend more time trying to figure out ways to protect my loved ones. I wonder if I am doing enough to keep them healthy and safe

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September 8, 2020

The Gift of Woundedness

We cannot become Christlike without being wounded. You see, even after we come to Christ, we carry encoded within us preset limits concerning how far we will go for love, and how much we are willing to suffer for redemption.

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September 7, 2020

Don’t Waste Your Sorrow

Do you dwell on your past regrets? Don’t waste your sorrows dwelling on the past – especially past outcomes you often have no power to change.

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