September 6, 2020
What Do I Do With This, God?
If we want to make a significant contribution to the Kingdom of God, we cannot sidestep the difficult seasons of life.
Read more..If we want to make a significant contribution to the Kingdom of God, we cannot sidestep the difficult seasons of life.
Read more..When I became a father, I noticed early on how much my first-born son took on many of my mannerisms and way of speaking, right down to how he walked.
Read more..Lord, we praise You for Your patience with us and we lift to You all those things in our lives that may still be in rebellion to the will of God in us. Please enable us to overcome our reticence to allow You into these situations.
Read more..Words are powerful for good or for destruction. Words can bless or wound deeply.
Read more..'Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path' Proverbs 3:5&6
Read more..“Heavenly Father please help us judge others as you would judge us, for in the same way we judge others, you will judge us and with the measure we use, you will measure us.
Read more..For if you forgive men when they sin against you, Your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
Read more..Let God bring you life.. He won’t turn you away, and you will have his love forever. Fear him while you have breath and come to him in repentance.
Read more..Are we really conquerors despite "trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword"? Yes! That is the ultimate Christian assurance.
Read more..What do we mean by insecurity? It’s a feeling of inadequacy, often compounded by a sense of complete helplessness, purposelessness, disapproval, or rejection. All of these things can slowly accumulate and weigh us down if we don’t learn how to identify them.
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