October 14, 2019
Saying ‘Thank You’
Worship is a voluntary act of gratitude offered by the saved to the Savior, by the healed to the Healer, and by the delivered to the Deliverer.
Read more..Worship is a voluntary act of gratitude offered by the saved to the Savior, by the healed to the Healer, and by the delivered to the Deliverer.
Read more..God calls every Christ-follower to be his hands, feet, and voice. May his enduring grace inspire us to influence our sphere of influence and especially those he calls to become his own.
Read more..Of all the names for God in the Bible, this is my favorite: "Him who is Able to Do Immeasurably More." Our God is the same God who parted the Red Sea and fed 5,000 on a green hillside with only a couple of sardine sandwiches.
Read more..Let these four truths encourage you to view your next trial from God’s perspective. Though you may not feel it at the time, the Lord is with you. He is your hope and sufficiency.
Read more..He delights to be with us. If He does not come, if He does not seem close, it is because we hinder Him by our indifference. He will reveal Himself to our earnest prayers, and graciously lend an ear to our praises, requests, and tears, for these are the golden chains which bind Jesus to His people.
Read more..Reclaim and restore a “first love” relationship with Jesus, and, one day at a time — one breath at a time —, you’ll begin to experience an insatiable, irrefutable intimacy with God.
Read more..God knows the hopes of humble people, and He will hear our cries and comfort our hearts. Sometimes He withholds the rain; other times He sends the rain and with it the outpouring of His blessings.
Read more..Have you ever doubted God? At some point in life, every one of us could probably answer yes
Read more..1 Samuel 16:7 says, “. . .man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Read more..Our lives can change in an instant when we are faced difficult situations. The key to working through it is to turn to and trust in Jesus.
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