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Thoughts By Men

September 28, 2019

No Regrets

Lord Jesus, thank you for never giving up in your pursuit of your people. Thank you that you have never given up on me, even when I want to give up on myself. Thank you for showing me the way to joy. Amen.

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September 26, 2019

Let God’s Light Through

John the Baptist recognized that for Jesus' interests to shine, John's own self-interest must decrease. We are like the lampshade to God's light; the thinner the lampshade is, the more the light will shine through.

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September 24, 2019

The Field Trip of Trials

Any hardship that drives us to God and His Word is good for us. That’s because what we gain in knowing the Lord is worth so much more than all the wealth, power, and fame the world could offer us.

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September 22, 2019

The Root of the Problem

Our lives are similar. We let thing grow into our lives that can smother us.

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September 20, 2019

Receive His Love

Nothing and no one can drive a wedge between you and God’s love!

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September 18, 2019

Called to Compassion

Dear God, help me understand your unfailing compassion for the world, and for me too. I confess that I am as messed up as people around me, and am desperately in need of your redeeming love. Keep from me a smugness of heart that would hold back my own compassion for others. Amen.

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September 16, 2019

Praying in a Crisis

A crisis can bring doubt, especially if the Lord is not responding as quickly as we might like Knowing who God is enables us to trust Him through the crises of life.

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September 14, 2019

Filled with God’s Love

Remember Paul’s words in Romans 8:38,  “Nothing can separate us from his love.”  Step to the well of God’s love and drink up.  Once filled by his love, you’ll never be the same.

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September 13, 2019

Stand Firm

We have been set free! We are delivered from law, sin, and death. We have been set free to serve God and share in his grace eternally. So how will we use that freedom?

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September 12, 2019

Justified Anger

Is there someone who has caused you great pain in your life? Do you find it impossible to pray for your enemy? Let me hold your hand and let us pray to our God together so that he would help us to do the impossible.

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