February 23, 2019
You Will Rejoice
Once you and I truly experience the joy of the Lord, no one can rob us of that joy!
Read more..Once you and I truly experience the joy of the Lord, no one can rob us of that joy!
Read more..Prayer: Patient and loving Shepherd, guard my heart from discouragement in tough times and guard it from arrogance in good times.
Read more..I’ve heard people say, “Why talk to God about my problems? He can’t understand.” According to the Bible--he can!
Read more..Jesus Christ knew all about the human tendency to feel inadequate. That is why He assured His followers they would receive a Helper—the Holy Spirit—
Read more..Satan baits the trap with goodies for us to follow and sooner or later the door shuts behind us. He uses people, money, power, etc. like baiting a mousetrap
Read more..Where does true deliverance come from? Only from God. Deliverance is found in God through deep reverential respect for his holiness and might, through living in covenant relationship with him, and through maintaining our focus on him.
Read more..O Christian, have you bowed in deep humility before God until you felt that you were in living contact with the Almighty?
Read more..Here are 7 things you can do to make the one you love feel special on Valentine’s Day or any day.
Read more..Ever feel like you have nothing? Just look at the gifts [God] has given you: “Every good action and every perfect gift is from God.” James 1:17 (NCV)
Read more..God promises that the pure in heart will see Him. When He gave us His Spirit to live in us, this was our guarantee that He would keep His promise.
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