June 18, 2022
The Call of a Loving Father
Hear the call of your loving Father: our Father calls us out of darkness to come into His light; He calls us out of uncleanness to come into His purity;
Read more..Hear the call of your loving Father: our Father calls us out of darkness to come into His light; He calls us out of uncleanness to come into His purity;
Read more..Think about it. Is your faith unsinkable? When your physical boat sinks, are you going up or down?
Read more..Lord, help me see the failures and disappointments as stepping stones, leading me back to you and helping me turn my life around for the better. Thank you for clearing a path that always leads me back to you. Amen.
Read more..“Here I am! Cleanse my heart and enable me to speak gracious words to them.”
Read more..If properly used, social media can help grow the Kingdom of God. But if we are not on guard, social media can easily become an idol worshiped in a real sense, distracting us from the only one deserving of worship, God.
Read more..Father, guide my thoughts before they become my words. Place a guard over my mouth and a watchman over the door of my lips. When I open my mouth, I ask You to fill it with right words, good words, true words, loving words—words that will point the way to Your heart. May my words be acceptable and pleasing to You as ...
Read more..Our insufficiency drives us to God. When we realize a situation is bigger than we can handle, we're quick to open the Bible and diligently pray for guidance and power.
Read more..We can do much after we pray. But we should do nothing before we pray. Let’s start with prayer.
Read more..for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” Philippians 4:11
Read more..“Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:8
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