May 6, 2022
What’s Separating You from Joy?
How would you finish the statement: “I’ll be happy when….”
Read more..How would you finish the statement: “I’ll be happy when….”
Read more..The best decision you ever made was to place your life into the hands of the One who made you—hands that worked with SKILL; hands that guided with WISDOM; hands that shaped with PURPOSE; hands that formed with LOVE.
Read more..Are you looking for direction, for purpose, for meaning to your life? Psalm 37:23 “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and He delighteth in his way" read on...
Read more..Devotional by Phil Ware: God is our Refuge and Strength
Read more..What does all this anxiety, all this restlessness mean? Simply this– you are a human. It doesn’t mean you’re a failure. It doesn’t mean your parents failed you or vice versa. And, this is important, it doesn’t mean you are not a Christian.
Read more..“I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten.” Joel 2:25 KJV
Read more..One of the greatest lessons I have ever learned about the Christian life is the importance of praise and thanksgiving.
Read more..David worships a God who is intimately involved in life. He sits by our side, asking us to lean on Him.
Read more..Unhealed hurts can lead to various symptoms, such as feelings of inferiority, fear of failure or criticism, and oversensitivity.
Read more..What’s the one thing separating you from joy? How would you finish the statement: “I’ll be happy when….”
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