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Thoughts By Mike Woodard

December 4, 2020

Lessons from Odd Places: Ingredients

Today think of ways you could add kindness to the fabric of your relationships. Maybe it is an expression of appreciation through a simple thank you. Maybe it’s a helping hand.

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November 10, 2020


“You are a good boy.” in my mind, I thought, “Really, am I really good?” You see, no one had ever described me in this way.

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October 21, 2020

Inconvenient Truth

The inconvenient truth is that God is not at fault when we disregard his wisdom.

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September 12, 2020

All I Can Say is ‘THANK YOU’

When I choose to thank God for every circumstance in my life, good or bad, it causes me to anticipate the future positively—to look forward to how God will work through the situation rather than vex over the problem at hand.

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September 2, 2020

Words that Saved My Life

Words are powerful for good or for destruction. Words can bless or wound deeply.

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June 30, 2020

I Got Drunk

It is interesting that God’s Word contrasts “drunk with wine” and “filled with God’s Spirit.” The issue is control.

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May 25, 2020

Dealing with Fear

In a world that has many uncertainties the words from Psalm 147 can bring comfort. God is big enough to comfort His child in the midst of all possible fears!

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May 11, 2020

Warms the Heart

Isn’t it a special treat to bring joy into the lives of others we love?Sometimes it is so simple,

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April 6, 2020

Is Anyone Listening?

Father God, I find it hard to listen because of my pride, self-reliance, busyness, and doubt. You truly are the expert on life, and you know me. You know everything about my life. I confess my foolishness when I attempt to fix things on my own. Your wisdom is far superior to my best ideas. I’m listening. Guide me! Amen.

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February 23, 2020

Under Construction

Father, thank you for your work in my life. You are good and I know in my heart that you love me and have the best plan, yet at times you know I doubt and become fearful, discouraged, or angry. I confess my failure to trust you. Thank you for being faithful to the plan and your commitment to conform me to the image of your son. Amen.

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