August 19, 2024
Face to Face with God
What happens when God shows up and He is totally other than we expected?
Read more..What happens when God shows up and He is totally other than we expected?
Read more..The finishing touch in the travel kit was a "Do Not Disturb" sticker. The humor of it hit me: if we are honest we spend most of our days like that.
Read more..Love those who irritate you; it's loving God. Overlook offenses, guard your words, and let patience prevail. Following Christ's example leads to peace.
Read more..All of us are conscious of time, in one way or another. We feel that we don't ever have enough time.
Read more..The Bible instructs us to bear one another's burdens. Many problems are too heavy for us to bear alone. Holy Spirit, enable me to pray for my family and friends according to the mind of God
Read more..Christ my life, and Christ my light, Christ for morning, noon, and night; Christ when all around gives way, Christ my everlasting stay;
Read more.."Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Read more..God is longing to give you His God-size rest of spirit, soul, and body as you abide in Him.
Read more..God is jealous for your undivided affection. Choose the one thing that cannot be taken away from you: fellowship in devotion to Jesus, filling your heart with Him, hanging on His words, and joyously abandoning yourself to Him. Continue reading...
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