June 27, 2024
Paradoxes of Prayer
Let me share with you some of the paradoxes we all are learning about prayer. Prayer is easy, even a child can do it.
Read more..Let me share with you some of the paradoxes we all are learning about prayer. Prayer is easy, even a child can do it.
Read more.."Let me know Your ways that I may know You. Show me Your glory. Go among us"
Read more..Be blessed with the fruit of patience that the Holy Spirit produces in you, your grateful response to his patience (Galatians 5:22).
Read more..God's compassion will lead you beside springs of water. Drink often of His thirst-quenching water. Be blessed with rejoicing in His unfailing springs of joy and mercy. God will make the Valley of Trouble into a place of springs, and you will go from strength to strength in Him
Read more..We get to choose to respond to others out of our experience of God's indwelling grace. How will you respond to others?
Read more..Minister to (my loved one) these precious truths, that… I am free from sin by my Savior. I am free not to respond to the sins of others.
Read more..Your Father says, "I called you by name from the very beginning. You belong to me. I know you as my own, and you know Me as your own true Father. I carved you in the palms of My Son. I hide you in My embrace. You have My infinite tenderness."
Read more..Father God has promised that He will never leave you or forsake you. He has not abandoned you. His perfect love casts out all fear. Rest in His love.
Read more..Taste deeply of the love, of God, and of truth. Hear Him speak to you about your deepest yearnings, your wishes, your hopes, and your dreams.
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