February 27, 2022
Treasure Pearls
Treasure Pearls - Confidence in Christ. By Alishia Ritchie. Offer the gems within you to someone today. Draw confidence from knowing God.
Read more..Treasure Pearls - Confidence in Christ. By Alishia Ritchie. Offer the gems within you to someone today. Draw confidence from knowing God.
Read more..Have you ever tried to walk up hill in snow? Not an easy task, if you are the first one to attempt it.
Read more..“They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength” (Isaiah 40:31).
Read more..With awe and adoration filled with Delight, I will continue in hot pursuit Until I am translated in Your Holy Presence!
Read more..Our heart can be turned towards many things and even other people.
Read more..Prayer: My most gracious and holy Father, Keep me focused on your Word, Lord, that through your power my old self will vanish and your righteousness and holiness will reign in my heart and actions.
Read more..God knows every time we fall, he knows our every sin, yet, he fixes His heart on us. He loves us. To realize this should cause us to fall on our knees in adoration .God
Read more..We don’t deserve God’s forgiveness, but it’s given to us freely. Since he did so for us, how much more should we do so for others?
Read more..Poem: Empowered to serve, Empowered to serve, With humility and Grace. Elegantly standing completely, Adorned in the Father's Armor.
Read more..Daniel and his friends walked in quietness and trust long before they faced the furnace.
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