February 3, 2022
God’s Love
God's love makes all the difference. It changes lives. It changes lifestyles. It changes outlook.
Read more..God's love makes all the difference. It changes lives. It changes lifestyles. It changes outlook.
Read more..I don't know what your days look like right now. Perhaps life feels like it's out of control and you're praying for the strength to see your way through. Or maybe, everything is calm right now and you're thankful for the time to catch your breath.
Read more..Through the years, the Lord has at times given me forewarning of changes coming in our lives. "Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything that I need" Psalm 23:1
Read more..Its time to arise and speak to that storm you are experiencing: I know that my redeemer lives! By the stripes of Jesus, I am healed.
Read more..Do your battle on your knees today. Do your battle in worship. God will fight for you.
Read more..We must be alert so that we are able to discern whose voice we are listening to. Our thought life has two channels — one is alert to God, and one is alert to Satan.
Read more..I drove home through thick fog tonight. There have been fog patches around our home and in the area these past two weeks. I hardly ever drive through thick mist without thinking about my relationship with God.
Read more..A devotional on security. Prayer: Father God, My heart is hungry to feel Your presence close to me. Help me to enter into Your presence through the gate of thanksgiving.
Read more.."'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD” Isaiah 55:8
Read more..If impurity hides in the corner or your heart or mine, it can rob us of joy. So, let go of anger, unforgiveness or any other impure attitude.
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