November 25, 2021
All You Can Do
Friend, when you think you have nothing left to give God, you’re wrong. Use your God-given gifts and talents, experience, and encouragement to minister to others.
Read more..Friend, when you think you have nothing left to give God, you’re wrong. Use your God-given gifts and talents, experience, and encouragement to minister to others.
Read more..Suddenly, Jesus looked at the woman. Still speaking to Simon, He pointed to the love this forgiven sinner had been showing Him, in contrast to what Simon had failed to do. Simon gave Him no water to wash His feet. This woman had used her tears. Simon gave Him no towel. But she used her hair....
Read more..In Christ, we discover not only restored intimacy with God, but the pathway to healed fellowship with our family and our former friends. Jesus brings peace to our souls.
Read more..God knows the depths of our possibility, the depths of our potential. God knows the depths of our capacity and the depths of our destiny.
Read more..Take delight oh my weary soul. Take delight in the presence of Abba Father. Take delight in His loving arms.
Read more..Friend, life is real. We all go through challenging moments of life. At all times, you and I can reach out to God. He is not far. He has already enriched us with his power.
Read more..In Psalm 23 He invites us to pitch our tent and camp on the fact that He is our Good Shepherd.
Read more..It is impossible, without Jesus to have true, lasting change that brings healing and restoration.
Read more..Lord Jesus, Let your light shine through the pre-Christmas season’s hustle and hassles. Keep us focused on the main thing, celebrating you. Amen
Read more..EVERYTHING: God is vast and real! There is nothing and no one that escapes His knowledge. God is present! You are never alone even in the midst of deep challenge.
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