November 2, 2021
Embracing Life
Rest in the promise that God's plans are not our own; they are far better!
Read more..Rest in the promise that God's plans are not our own; they are far better!
Read more..Dear one, turn to God in the midst of your suffering. Only He can heal a hurting heart.
Read more..Nothing tries our faith like waiting on God for answers to prayer. What do we learn while we are waiting?
Read more..Life's painful experiences are really teachers for your learning, to bring you to the realization that, discipline and integrity are the order of the day.
Read more..Who said life is meant to be easy? You can certainly live without the things you want, provided that’s the place you want to be. If not, it hurts. It’s not easy.
Read more..What would it mean to “do good” to those whose religion or political views are so opposite my own that an uncross-able gulf exists? Jesus was no mere theorist. While He didn’t always give a clear how-to regarding the ways to express His love
Read more..Waiting is hard. Aren’t you glad that when we call out to God, we know that he will answer? He DOES care!
Read more.."And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." Galatians 6:9
Read more..If we are going to change our lives, our families, our countries and our world, we must pause long enough to catch our spiritual breath and pray fervently as Jesus modeled and taught.
Read more..Connecting with God is more than distracted reading. God’s Spirit waits to connect with your Spirit in a meaningful way.
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