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Thoughts By Women

October 12, 2021

Our Place of Refuge

Where is your place of refuge? Are you disturbed by the challenges in your daily life or by the uncertainties in the world we live in today?

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October 10, 2021

A Listening Ear

Sadly, listening has become a lost art. We email and text on our cellular devices with little face-to-face communication. People listen with very little eye contact all the while looking around or checking their mobile phones.

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October 9, 2021

Trading Flaws for Grace

I don’t like myself when I mess up but I am reminded God’s grace is there for me and I can do better with His help. I want to do better. God is patient with me and He continues to work in me to make me more like Him. This gives me hope.

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October 8, 2021

Fruit of Goodness

Be blessed with active goodness that does not think to repay evil with evil but considers how to leave a blessing from the goodness of Jesus in you.  Be energized with your Father's kindness and goodness for others.

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October 7, 2021

Eyes Wide Open

I’m learning that my obedience and desire for God’s will instead of my own is directly related to my love for God. 

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October 6, 2021

Following Jesus

Father in Heaven, I need You in my life. Forgive me for going my own way without acknowledging You. Thank you that You sent Jesus to die for my sins. Thank you that You forgive me. Cleanse my heart and come into my life today.

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October 5, 2021

Changing My Mind

The Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians that we need to change our minds when our thoughts do not align with the truth. The process to change one thought is to replace the lie with truth.

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October 4, 2021

People Need Loving

Jesus said, “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even ‘sinners’ love those who love them. But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.

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October 3, 2021

Wisdom from God

Dear Lord, help me trust in your promise and wait for the wisdom you have promised to give to me. Deliver me from worry and anxiety as I wait.

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October 2, 2021

Taking Time to Care

Be intentional today to stand as one loved by God, with purpose and dignity. Reach out in kindness to someone today and feel His love flow to you … and through you.

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