May 23, 2021
Three Uncomfortable Words
It has been said that the three most difficult words in the English language are, “I am sorry.” It hurts to apologize and we want to put it off, temporarily or even permanently.
Read more..It has been said that the three most difficult words in the English language are, “I am sorry.” It hurts to apologize and we want to put it off, temporarily or even permanently.
Read more..Father, You know all the lonely hearts that are reading this devotional. Reveal Your love for them by showing them that someone cares for them. Thank You! Amen.
Read more..Are you a perfectionist? Do you find yourself needing to be perfect in everything, never allowing people or for that matter, God to see your flaws?
Read more..In what ways is it most important to you to put feet to your faith? How have you been inspired by others putting their belief into action?
Read more..“Make yourselves at home in my love.” John 15:9 (MSG) I have lived in three
Read more..“If you fear God you need fear nothing else,” the Bible says. These words were a great comfort to me during a very difficult time when fear threatened to overwhelm me.
Read more..Confession, while necessary, may not always bring the instant relief we desire but God is faithful to forgive and bring His healing.
Read more..Hopelessness. Its flag has been flying at full mast for some time, whipped to and fro by life’s merciless winds. Many believe that God has ceased to care, left the building, stepped off his throne. Has our Sovereign Lord self-isolated?
Read more..Take One Step at a Time by Mary Pinckney. Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the step!
Read more..This verse should prompt Christians to want to do good works for Christ (serving, teaching, and loving others), but also remind us that these works can be performed wherever we are.
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