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Thoughts By Women

July 12, 2020

I Can’t Stand it Any More

When was the last time you felt flooded by your situation? Overwhelmed about anything today? David, the writer of Psalm 69, was in that sort of place.

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July 11, 2020

Transform me by Your Spirit

The role of the Holy Spirit is to transform us to become more like Jesus, to be filled with the fresh dynamic of His power, willing to undergo the changes He may ask.

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July 10, 2020


During all the chaos of social distancing and isolation, I hope you have drawn closer to God and realized that the things that matter in life are not the material ones. We all need each other, and we need Him.

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July 9, 2020

If You Want Peace, Prepare For War

Question: Are you aware and ready to fight spiritual battles in your life? If you want peace in your life as a Christian, you must prepare for the battle.

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July 8, 2020

He Walks with Me

I am so thankful for this relationship I have with the Lord. For years He has cultivated a close walk with me that transcends everything else in this world.

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July 4, 2020

For the Benefit of the Body

Never underestimate your talent and how God can use it. He gave it to you uniquely — for a reason.

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July 2, 2020

Choose What’s Good

Heavenly Father, help me daily to remember to step back from the distractions of this life. I want to spend time listening at your feet, like Mary, so I can make my relationship with you my top priority. In the name of Jesus, amen.

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July 1, 2020

Power Up

When my circumstances are overwhelming. When the world is in turmoil. When someone I love hurts me. I pray — a lot.

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June 30, 2020

Spiritual Warfare

“for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against

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June 29, 2020

The Unwelcome Promise

“In the world you will have trouble…” John 16:33 How easily we’ve bought into the

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