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Thoughts By Women

June 28, 2020

Hold My Tongue

I asked God to hold my tongue and not let me say what I was thinking. I asked Him to help me calm down and diffuse the emotions that were overcoming me.

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June 27, 2020

You are the Beloved

Hear and receive God’s Word in John 17:23 (NLT). “I in them and you in

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June 26, 2020

Ambient Stress

The words caught my attention. Ambient Stress. Stress that swirls around with no place to go for conclusion. Uncertainty with no certainty in sight.

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June 25, 2020

Stop and Pray

When I hear troubling news, I cannot believe how quickly my heart fills with fear,

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June 24, 2020

Prayer as Service

What went through your mind when you first realized the pandemic was a legitimate concern? Was it fear? Anxiety? Courage? Strength? Perhaps you even wanted to help out.

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June 23, 2020

Prayer for Courage

Father, I so long to be bold and courageous as You have called me. I understand that You have not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind...

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June 22, 2020

Let’s Start a New Epidemic

If we were all to put ourselves in the shoes of those working extra shifts, missing their loved one’s last moments, or dealing with domestic abuse because of stay at home orders, what would be the response?

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June 20, 2020

Trusting Through the Drought

His strength will steady us, His comfort will touch us, His peace will wash over us, His presence will encase us, His wisdom will guide us, And His love will surround us.

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June 19, 2020

Make the Most of It

There’s Someone greater than us that we can look up to during tough times like these. With what's happened so far and with what’s happening now, let us put our hope in God

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June 17, 2020

Don’t Go It Alone

Even if we cannot attend church, we can still call each other, text each other, email each other, or Skype or Facetime with each other. Frequently check on your friends, families, and the elderly. 

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