June 2, 2020
What Faith Looks Like – A Choice to Trust
I have learned that I have a Choice. I have a significant Choice. Trust the Lord, our Sovereign Holy Almighty God.
Read more..I have learned that I have a Choice. I have a significant Choice. Trust the Lord, our Sovereign Holy Almighty God.
Read more..Prayer: Father God, You alone know how shaky I feel on the inside. I ask You today to strengthen my faith. Help me to focus on You, my God who is able.
Read more..Christ in Me Working Through Me. Being totally dependent upon God is one of the hardest things we Christians have to do in life. We fear the helplessness of it.
Read more..When we rely only on our own strength and what we have to give, we quickly become worn out and discouraged. But when we turn to God for His strength and replenishment, we are able to keep moving forward.
Read more..Whenever I get to a place where life seems more than I can handle, there’s that still, small voice that nudges me: “Remember, be still & know that I am God..”
Read more.."So be content with who you are, and don’t put on airs. God’s strong hand is on you; he’ll promote you at the right time. Live carefree before God;
Read more..When you stop to Intentionally put into your heart and mind just who your great God is - and all the resources He offers you, you will feel a shift happen in your soul.
Read more..“It is not your job to change everyone’s mind. It is your job to obey and do whatever He is calling you to do. Keep yielded to Him and open the door to others,
Read more..One of my close friends suffers from chronic headaches. She lives with pain. It is something I am, thankfully, rather unfamiliar with. Her suffering, however, has introduced me to the huge realm of those who suffer from severe pain.
Read more..In hardships, stay focused, pursue peace and never lose sight of the guaranteed of victory.
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