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Thoughts By Women

February 9, 2024

When the Light Goes Out

there are dark periods in all of our lives simply because we walk the earth. "You are the lamp unto my feet and the light unto my path." (Psalm 119:105)

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February 8, 2024

A Moving Mountain

have you ever heard about a mountain moving a person? That is exactly what happened recently to a woman we will call Sarah.

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February 7, 2024

Waiting on God

How can we make a time of waiting more tolerable, even fruitful? “I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope.”Psalm 130: 5

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February 5, 2024

A Divided House

She wept as she told me of the difficulties in their marriage. They were pulling in different directions. Jesus talked about this very thing.

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February 4, 2024

Touching the Untouchable

Jesus not only touches our wounds, He heals our souls and welcomes us into His family.

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February 3, 2024

Hunting for the Truth?

When you believe in God, the Spirit of Truth smiles. Ask the Spirit of God to unveil any lies. If you long for the truth, he’ll reveal it to you.

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February 2, 2024

Blessing of Identity

Be blessed to be released into the full rights of your true identity and legitimacy in your Father. Be blessed to know without doubt that your Father is extending His favor toward you.

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February 1, 2024

Big Picture, Small Picture

Thoughts: Consider what you are waiting for and ask yourself if it is keeping you from living or motivating you toward eternity.

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January 31, 2024

Set Apart

“Set apart” for God Himself. “Set apart” to be active in the family business of giving His love away. “Set apart” from the noise of my day to listen to the quiet voice of His Spirit.

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January 30, 2024

Only One Thing is Needed

We tend to be worried and distracted, giving attention to the challenges around us instead of the Word of God.

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