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Thoughts By Women

February 20, 2024

8 Verses to Remember that God is Fighting for You

What verse do you turn to when life feels like a battle? Check out these 8 verses. “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”

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February 19, 2024

A Servant Spirit

Are we finding ways to serve others throughout our week?Are we finding ways to help or bless them?

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February 18, 2024


Father, You alone are absolute truth. You cannot lie. Your Word is Truth, and we can rely on it. Cause our lives to be centered in You and make us more like You — the Truth. Amen.

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February 16, 2024

Something Else Entirely

Think about an area in life that may be enslaving you. Have a problem with lying incessantly? Negative attitude? Harsh words? Whatever it may be, honestly ask Christ to help you defeat these sins so you can be free.

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February 15, 2024

February 15th Love

February 15th Love - Thank you, Father, that your love doesn’t depend on my worth or my reactions, that you loved me from before the beginning of time, that your love can fill all the empty spaces of my heart.

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February 14, 2024

Sacred Romance

God is waiting to show us His love in all of its fullness - in our joy and in our sorrow. Sometimes we are just too busy to recognize Him. There is nothing more significant I could wish and pray for you than that you would take the time to recognize the “Sacred Romance” in your life.

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February 13, 2024

God is Satisfied

We fret. He is calm. God is not pacing the floors, wondering what’s going on, biting His fingernails, or dissatisfied with our lives and the world in general.

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February 12, 2024

Ready for the Test?

Do you feel more anxious now than you did at the beginning of the year? Or has your faith blossomed and your reliance on Jesus become more consistent?

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February 11, 2024

Stronger than a Crocodile

When was the last time you cried for help using the name of Jesus? I need to be reminded of the power of the name of Jesus. How about you?

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February 10, 2024

When You Don’t Know What to Do

Everyday letters come to this website from those of you walking through complex, confusing, and even tragic things that have unexpectedly imposed themselves on lives with little or no warning.

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