August 28, 2022
God Gives Us what We Need
Do you believe God will give you what you need?
Read more..Do you believe God will give you what you need?
Read more..‘I will never leave you nor forsake you…’ Hebrews 13:5 “Come on, Johnny. It’s time to go. Johnny, if you don’t come right now, I’m leaving you… OK, Johnny, here I go. Goodbye…” The harried mother walks away, not really intending to leave her child, but...
Read more..He was amazed at their lack of faith.” Mark 6:5-6 Is there an area of your life where you’ve been limiting God? Humble yourself and ask him to help you to believe in his timing and will.
Read more..What an amazing friend! He is always there for us - caring, listening, loving. He never leaves us. He is always the same and He is always there. Our Stability (the Rock)!
Read more..Even before we were born, God had a purpose for our lives and there are good works He needs us to do on this earth. On the other hand, there is an Accuser, an enemy of our souls, who does his best to keep us from fulfilling our purpose.
Read more..Devotional on dealing with tension in our life. Lord, my problem really isn’t tension. It’s knowing how to deal with tension. Help me recognize when I’m using my human methods instead of turning to you. And thank you for the true rest you provide.
Read more..The next time you look in a mirror, smile, for God has made you well! Even if some of your body part's don’t work perfectly or as perfectly as they once did, the fact that you are alive and breathing is a beautiful gift in and of itself.
Read more..The next time you are quick to judge, stop and ask God to alter your attitude so you might be an instrument in bringing that person to true justice—through Jesus.
Read more..God keeps every promise. He does what He says He will do. He never lies or deceives.
Read more..She had no idea what her friend meant. Just how does one “call on the name of the Lord”? As she faced this new challenge she knew she needed God’s help in her life. Yet how could the name of the Lord help her?
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