January 6, 2025
Wisdom of God
When I consider the six billion people in the world - each having wisdom about life in their world - I realize how little wisdom each of us as individuals possess. Compared to God - next to zero.
Read more..When I consider the six billion people in the world - each having wisdom about life in their world - I realize how little wisdom each of us as individuals possess. Compared to God - next to zero.
Read more..Heavenly Father, Bankrupt me of my surplus. Remove from me the selfishness and disobedience that I choose.
Read more..Make eternal values a priority. Father, thank you for bringing this to our attention. Only what is done for Christ will last.
Read more..The time for touching up the home has come. Christmas items are all put away, and if you are like most people, a fresh coat of paint and a bit of creative decorating
Read more..What if instead of trying to improve, this year we turned our hearts toward God and allowed God to do what only God can do: transform us to be more like Him?
Read more..Happy New Year. Join us this year in choosing to intentionally build growth into our individual hearts and strength into our faith.
Read more..Lord God, Thank you for Your incredible promise. Help me to keep it in full focus as I walk through this whole year. Whether things around me blossom or shrivel I am determined to stay green and fruitful as I intentionally and fully trust You every single step of the way. I pray this with thanksgiving in the strong name of Jesus, amen.
Read more..“Be silent before the LORD, all humanity, for He is springing into action from His holy dwelling.” Zechariah 2:13 (NLT)
Read more..Christmas events can sometimes give rise to relational conflict that mars the peace of the season. Conflict often reflects unmet needs. No one likes to be thought of as needy. It’s easier to think of others as needy;
Read more..While everyone is focused on the seemingly important events of the day, Jesus, Savior of the world, is born in a manger. Jesus pierces through our activity and calls us to come and adore Him … to see the wonder of His birth.
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