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Thoughts By Women

June 21, 2024

Faith or Fear

Hearing all of the bad news night after night made me want to lock my doors and never step outside again. Faith vanishes fear. Faith empowers us because we know God is in control.

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June 20, 2024

Nothing Can Stand Against You

No matter what we go through in life, God will cause it to work together for our good. Prayer: Lord, help me to always remember daily that all things are indeed working together for my good, because I love you. Amen.

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June 19, 2024

In The Darkness

Navigating your way in a dark room can be a bit daunting, even if you know the room well.

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June 18, 2024

Choosing Your Direction Today

Every day we choose our direction. Even when there are tasks that don’t particularly fulfill us or agenda items we might not have put on our top ten list … still, we choose our direction.

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June 17, 2024

Angels In Disguise

God uses flawed and fumbling folk on earth to be His hands and feet. Sometimes we are the ones He encourages to get out there in a ministry, and at other times He graces us with others to minister to us.

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June 15, 2024

A Short Supply of Love

Is there someone who needs your patience or forgiveness today? Look for an opportunity to show God’s love to someone today.

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June 13, 2024

Time with God

How about you, friend? God wants to spend time with you. But is God just ‘penciled in’ to your schedule and easily erased?

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June 12, 2024

Help Me Believe

In life, we are faced with many challenges that test our faith. It is so easy to get bombarded by what we see. It becomes a constant battle, almost like a game of tug-of- war, to keep the faith our faith intact.

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June 11, 2024

In the Rearview Mirror

My life is often seen in hindsight. When I am going through something, my focus is on the here and now. After the dust settles, then I have time to reflect. It is often then that I see God’s hand prints all over what happened.

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June 10, 2024

God is Speaking

We read in God’s Word that He wants us to talk to Him, but also that He speaks.

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