October 24, 2024
Voice Of One Calling
Be blessed to make ample room in your heart for the King of Glory, setting aside the distractions and anxieties of this world to fully embrace His presence.
Read more..Be blessed to make ample room in your heart for the King of Glory, setting aside the distractions and anxieties of this world to fully embrace His presence.
Read more..Even the most “type A” personalities eventually discover that the soul, that deep place within, longs - indeed requires - stillness.
Read more..Do you stop? In this work driven world we live in, stopping is very important. Jesus stopped. Take time for a cup of tea.
Read more..My assignment today is to encourage you not to accept the lies you see every day. The truth is we are not perfect, but we are perfectly forgiven. You see, God never promised the absence of pressure but He did promise His peace.
Read more..The Lord is the One who acts through us. The needs of others are sometimes overwhelming, and we can feel that our small efforts are a waste of time.
Read more..don’t want to miss any of my blessings. So, I will keep on writing in my gratitude journal. I encourage you to begin one to record God’s blessings in your life.
Read more..God is love. Love is who He is and it’s the bedrock of all that He does.
Read more..Poem: I miss you so much, I miss the hours we spend with each other .I miss when your gentle touch, and your voice of comfort beckons me, to meet you at the secret place!
Read more..One of our deepest desires is to belong and know that, in spite of what we do, we will be loved and accepted.
Read more..“And always be thankful” Colossians 3:15 If you find yourself being cynical or critical today, begin thanking God for all the blessings in your life. You will be much happier.
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