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The Promises and the Promiser

Consider how meditating on God’s Word has helped bring rejoicing and peace into your heart.

Exceeding great and precious promises 2 Peter 1:4, (KJV)

If you would like to put into practice the preciousness of God’s promises, and enjoy them personally, meditate on them. God’s promises are like grapes in a wine-press: If you tread on them the juice will flow. Thinking over God’s holy words will often lead to their fulfillment in your own life. While you ponder them, the blessing you seek will often come to you in ways you don’t even expect. Many Christians who have thirsted for God’s promises have found the divine favor which they ensure gently brings comforting into their soul and causes great rejoicing in their hearts.

Besides meditating on God’s promises, seek to receive them as being the very words of God. Say to yourself, “If I were dealing with a mere human being’s promise, I would need to carefully weigh the ability and the character of the person who promised me. But with the promises of God, even though the greatness of the promise itself may stagger me, my eye must instead be fixated on the greatness of the Promiser.” That will comfort me and give me confidence in His words.

My friend, it is God Almighty who has made these promises. God, who cannot lie, who speaks His promises to you: That “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6) His Word is as true as His own existence. God is unchangeable and He has not changed anything which has come out of His mouth, and never called back one single word. He lacks no power, for this is the God that made the heavens and the earth. And He can never lack wisdom, because He, in his infinite understanding, knows when it is best to give and when better to take away.

Therefore, seeing that it is the word of a God true, unchangeable, powerful, and so incomparably wise, I will and must believe His promises. If we meditate on His promises, and consider the Promiser, we will experience their sweetness and fulfillment.

Father God, Help me to be steadfast in meditating on Your Word. May it bring renewal and fresh life to my soul. Amen.

Consider how meditating on God’s Word has helped bring rejoicing and peace into your heart.

Originally written by Charles H. Spurgeon
Updated to modern English by Darren Hewer, 2008.
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

God Provides for His Own

Truth  God’s truth remains the same from age to age

•  Salvation Explained

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