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The blow she felt seemed even beyond God’s help. 

God has a promise for those who put their trust in Him

Shelly wasn’t quite sure how to apply her faith in God right now. She knew God was in her life. But this was just too much. The blow she felt seemed even beyond God’s help. She cried out to Him. She felt like the waves, in this storm in her life, were truly going to wash her right out to sea. She felt like she could hardly think.

God has a promise for those who put their trust in Him. It’s not a casual promise. It’s not trite words that can’t meet the deep issues of life that threaten to overwhelm us. It is a promise that will help get you through the deepest pain and grief. And you will even be nourished…even blessed…even in your current storm!

This is for you… Listen:

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; for its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.Jeremiah 17: 7 & 8

So how does it work when the pain is overwhelming? As a Christian you have access to the resources and the strength of God which is the water for your life. Believe He will hold you! Ask Him to increase your trust because storms always make us question our trust. Ask for a tenacity of faith!! He will nourish you in the hottest drought of your life.

How? Read His promises. Write this one out on a few post-it notes and put it on your bathroom mirror, in your day timer, or on the dash of your car. Allow music that praises God to wash over your soul. Find a friend to pray with over the phone whenever you feel like the waves will overwhelm you. Or pray alone…God hears you! Put your roots down. Cling to Jesus. He is the one who dispels fear when the heat comes. He can be trusted to hold you steady as you wade through your storm.

But Sunday faith won’t do it… this is faith in a God who walks beside you step by step by step. He promises that you will actually come out the other side, not shriveled and dead as you might think now, but green and with something to offer to others. I know you can hardly believe that at the moment but it’s true. His Holy Spirit will guide you. Expect it!

 Dear Heavenly Father, The wind is blowing in my life today and I’m not sure I can stand against it. I declare that I trust in you. Even though all looks hopeless to me right now, I express my confidence in you. Help me step by step and moment by moment to lean hard on you to hold me today. I look to you to nourish my fainting soul. Encourage me and strengthen me even now by your Spirit. You are my hope! Thank you for your love. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

by Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Getting Life Back on Track by Marvin Kehler

•   My Search for Inner Peace – by Eva Reinhart

•  Salvation Explained

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