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Where Are You Looking?

I was driving home from town; the roads were slippery; it was dusk. 

In the ditch ahead I noticed a large dark mound. I peered into the semi darkness to see a huge moose that had met its fate along the highway. I wondered about the driver who had hit it.

In those few seconds as I looked and wondered I suddenly found I was turning toward the ditch myself. I quickly corrected and, feeling the ice under my tires knew I had better keep my eyes focused on the road.

I realized again just how quickly an accident can happen when my eyes are taken off the road to adjust the radio, rummage for my cell phone or look at what is passing by.

It reminded me of the saying, “Where you focus, you follow”. Or “Where you look, you go”. What is capturing your attention these days and occupying your thoughts and line of vision? Make sure it’s where you want to end up. Make sure it’s how you want to spend the currency in your “time bank”.

Can you identify the primary focus of your thoughts these days?

Is it concern and worry for a family member?
Is it your work and a project you are on?
Is it someone you are falling in love with?
Is it someone who has hurt you?
Is it your finances? Or fear of the future.
Are you focused on your health?

When we put Jesus in the center of the main thing that occupies our minds we gain a strength and find a footing that holds us steady and secure no matter what uncertainty faces us.

When we leave Him to the side of the picture and focus on the things that  swirl around us we often find our footing unsure and our clarity blurred.

I love the story from the Bible of Peter who was in a boat in the middle of the night tossed about by the wind and waves. He looks out and sees Jesus walking on the very waves that are buffeting his boat.  He is afraid of the storm and of the form on the water. Jesus calls to him, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid. Come to me.”

Peter steps out of the boat and moves toward Jesus, amazingly firm footed on the waves! But as he lifts his eyes from Jesus and looks at the turbulent sea fear overtakes him. He begins to sink. Immediately Jesus reaches out and pulls him up asking,

“Why did you doubt me?” Matthew 14:22-36

Whatever is front and center on the stage of your mind today, invite Jesus into it. Focus your eyes on Him. Take courage. Don’t be afraid. Don’t let doubt tumble you into the waves of stress and worry. Jesus is able to keep you steady and His hand is ready to pull you above the waves even if you falter.

“Where you focus, you follow”.

Focus on Jesus today as the center of your circumstances and watch how He will lift you from the waves and give you courage and strength and wisdom.

Lord God, Many things occupy my thoughts today. I choose to put You in the center of my focus. I take courage in You to help me, strengthen me and give me the wisdom I need today to keep on the road of faith and not end up in the ditch of doubt or swallowed by waves of fear. Thank you for Your power at work in my heart and mind and in my life. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

by Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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