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Take the Panic out of Christmas

by Helen Lescheid

The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence foreverIsaiah 32:17

The Christmas season has been described as the season of shoulds. We feel we owe it to our family to give them the best Christmas ever. So, we spend too much money. We fuss too much about trivial things. And we work ourselves into a frenzy. No wonder we begin to dread the whole business of Christmas.

So how can we take the panic out of Christmas? Let me suggest:

1. Take inventory: Ask yourself, what’s truly important? Ten years from now what difference will it make that I mailed my Christmas cards late, or my house wasn’t perfect, or the turkey was a bit dry? Look again at what you want to achieve.

2. Be realistic, look at what you can afford. Christmas is not a competition about who can buy the most expensive presents or even who can get the most presents. Our children do not need dozens of presents to know they are loved.

3. Focus on the Prince of Peace. Take time out to relax and to reflect on Jesus’ statements of peace, like the following: “Peace, I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).

In the original Greek the word “peace” has the connotation of being bound together. Imagine, Jesus and you bound together. Doing life together. Wow!

What’s the result of doing it His way? Isaiah tells us there will be peace, quietness and confidence.

Dear God, help me to focus on what’s truly important this Christmas season. I want to honor and glorify you in all my preparations. In Jesus name, amen.

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