#3 in the Prayer Series by Barbara Epp
Prayer – Inspired by God
My journey in prayer seems, in one sense, such a long, slow one. I know, however, that I was being led along at the pace that was best suited for me. Each nugget of revelation came when I was most ready for it, growing in impact as time went by. It is in the looking back that I see the steady walk with Jesus and the expanding ability that came to hear His voice. Truly, He was “instructing and teaching me in the way I should go”!
I clearly remember the time a wonderful truth revealed itself to me. It is a truth that still thrills me! Although it is linked to the perspective that God initiates prayer, it is a truth, a facet of inspiring truth, that is distinct.
I have always felt a close affinity with David! His walk with God was so spontaneous, so loving and trusting, so vulnerable, so appealing to me that I aspired to be like him. One day as I was reading in 2 Samuel 7, once again thoroughly enjoying the conversation David was having with His God, when my eyes popped open with an insight I had never had! David said in verse 27, “For You, O Lord of hosts, God of Israel, have revealed this to your servant, saying, ‘I will build you a house.’ Therefore, your servant found it in his heart to pray this prayer to You.”
Immediately, as is wont with a revelation, scriptures previously read and partially digested flew alongside this delicious morsel! “..without Me you can do nothing.” “..we do not know what we should pray for as we ought..” It registered with an almost physical impact – GOD INSPIRES PRAYER!! He not only desires to walk and talk with me, He not only initiates communication with Him, He shows me when and what to pray!!!
Implications flooded my mind! There is a “time” to pray certain things! If God indicates it is time to pray as He is revealing and leading, it means this is the best time to pray what He has put on my heart – what I have “found” there! I can claim no ownership of a “good” prayer. Again, snippets of verses of scripture came to mind: “All your righteousness is as filthy rags.” “There is no one who is good except the Father.” “Every good gift and perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights…”
Prayer would NEVER be the same for me. I saw that, while it could be simply and expression of my own ideas if I chose, prayer was intended to be a transfer of God’s thoughts and plans into my heart!
He wants me to share His heart!! He wants me to be a part of what He is doing!! Prayer is intended to be at our Father’s impulse! At His inspiration!
I was so full of these thoughts, little did I know there would be much more……….! These were first baby steps……! Foundational steps….!